
2014 Library Additions

2013 Library Additions

2012 Library Additions

2011 Library Additions

St. Andrew's has its own library, located in the basement, with a good selection of books and videos for both adults and children.

Recent acquisitions include :

Angels In Our Midst


The editors of Guideposts

Have you ever wondered if you would be able to spot your guardian angel? Angels InOur Midstinvites you to ponder the real-life stories of ordinary men and women whose lives have been completely altered by the remarkable work of angels. The stories collected in this book will help all of us understand the true nature of angels, and realize that their presence provides not just succor but the reassuring evidence of a loving God who is forever watching over us. Here is your invitation to enter a new level of wonder in your life, explore the ageless mysteries of divine intervention, and discover how you might recognize your own angel in times of need.



Kids’ Edition


Sybil MacBeth

This first-of-its-kind resource will forever change the way kids pray- and how adults try to teach them to do it. This is a prayer that makes sense to kids. One minute a day will do. Any time of the day will work. Drawing with crayons or markers is half the prayer; the pother half is carrying the visual memories throughout the day. Sybil MacBeth makes it astonishingly clear that anyone with a box of colors and some paper can have a conversation with God.

Revised 3 December 2018     -     © St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Sackville, N.B.